Thursday 29 August 2013

The Internet Is For Awesome

The internet isn't awesome. You are making it awesome.

Why? Because you gather up all the nice and cool and fascinating stuff, and then you put it in your basket. You got a basket of internet awesome.

Look, here's something from my basket of awesome. It's okay, take it as a gift from me to you. 

Hyperbole and a Half
Allie from Hyperbole and a Half made the awesome and we share the awesome. We share it through the internet.
That makes the internet just as awesome as a telephone line. It just depends on whether you're sharing a mighty funny joke or the latest news on your grandmother's sister's kidney stone development. You shouldn't do the latter, just like I shouldn't summarize my complete post in the introduction.

I used to be a social media paria. I did have a Facebook and Twitter, but never used it. What was it for? Keeping in touch with people? Hell, I had plenty of options to contact my friends. I didn't see why we needed this.
Only this summer I figured out that social media aren't about friends. It's about finding the awesome.

Imagine being on the lookout for new music. You've gone through your playlists all to many times, you've gone to concerts of your big idols. How are you going to find something new?
You can google "cool music". You can look up the genre on Wikipedia and check what other bands match.
Or you can post on Facebook and have twenty not-really-friends-but-fun-people say "Hey, you like that band, aye? So try this!". 

I forgive you for rolling your eyes and saying "duh!". Hey, this was new to me. 

I discovered my hobby - digital painting - thanks to the internet. For twenty years, I had no idea digital painting existed. Until someone said "Check out this cool art!".
Same for webcomics. You like one webcomic, but finished reading it. Are you finding your new favourite through scanning a list of webcomics to date? More likely, you find the pot of gold through a recommendation, either directly, or through someone featuring it.

In short, I completely overturned how I used the internet. From making every trip to surfing the web a lonely quest, I first checked in the inn and asked what new thingies and stuffs people had discovered. In turn, I share what's worth sharing. Like this video:

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