Wednesday 3 July 2013

My Favourite Japanese Person: Kotobuki Shiro

Who is your favourite Japanese person? 
Doesn't have to be a famous star, could also be your pen friend. Oh, and anime figures count too. I guess pop stars, movie stars and the like are among the most popular.
I was brooding about this, considering a variety of characters for the position. (Comparing Hard Gay and Mori Ōgai to each other was quite amusing :P)

They both lost.

My favourite Japanese person is... *drum rolls* Kotobuki Shiro. Okay! Pretend you didn't read the title and act surprised.
Actually, I should introduce him.
He's an artist. He draws cute girls. That's about it. Oh, and he's paralyzed so he draws with his mouth.

Here's an interview with him (Japanese spoken, but his awesomeness still shows):

Holy Badger Pencil. Hey, check this. Here's my attempt at drawing a cute girl, compared to his:

Iris Hoppenbrouwers Kotobuki Shiro Cute Girl Painting
I wonder who the better artist is.

See? And I drew that with my four limbs working.
When I found out about him, I saw him as a huge inspiration. You know: "If he can do it, you can do it!"
That kinda stuff. I'd share the interview everytime someone complained about quitting art.

Yet, thinking about it, that didn't do him justice.
This isn't just "Woa, my able-bodied drawn pictures are worse than his, so I should feel encouraged."
It isn't just that his craft is amazing, giving his circumstances. Kotobuki himself is amazing. This doesn't show "anyone can do it with enough dedication". This shows how much dedication Kotobuki has. And determination. Optimism. Will power. Ambition. Confidence. Patience. Perseverance.

Mr. Kotobuki Shiro, I'm starting a mental list "Idols of Mine" and you're the first on it.

As a closing note, more inspiring quadriplegic artists:
Marcus Thomas: uses traditional oil paint to make beautiful nature paintings. He started painting after the ski accident that paralyzed him, in search of a way to fight boredom.
Michael Monaco: painting was recommended to him as a way to rehabilitate, now he's a professional painter. 
Edward Rainey: also started to paint after an accident paralyzed him. He felt the need to do something productive.
There's also a small collection of artworks by quadriplegic artists on Pinterest.

Now tell me who your favorite Japanese person is, and why!

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