Wednesday 19 June 2013

Turning a Cookie Habit into a Walking Habit

I Like to Walk
                               romanticized version of walking                     

Yes, I like to walk. But I'm also a busy, responsible person. I can't walk around aimlessly!
I have to be productive. I have to be a good student and work work work. Walking doesn't fit into that.

I forbid myself to walk. And that's when my brain starts to trick me.

I should go to the store.
I really need a coke right now. And cookies.

C'mon, I can't concentrate when feeling this craving.
Hey, and there's caffeine and sugar in it, that'd help me study.

Going to the store right now is necessary for being productive.

So yeah, my brain finds a reason to go outside. Some purpose.
No, I'm not someone who goes on silly, useless walks. I go out to buy something. I'm super efficient, just going to the nearby store for some essential supplements to my studies!

The brain has succesfully tricked me.

To be even more productive and efficient, I ride the bicycle to the store.
And in the end, I haven't had a walk at all.

In Need Of Change
This got so bad, that I hadn't gone out for a walk in months, yet I went to the story on a daily basis, to buy things I didn't need.
I could foresee my future as a hyperefficient person...

Something had to be done.
It was time for an intervention.

I told myself:
You will go outside every night, whether you like it or not
You will go outside every night, whether you like it or not!

It worked. My whole attitude towards walking changed.
This was one of my duties, just like studying.
So during the day I'd eagerly wait till the evening, when I could go out and have my walk. I didn't have to go to the store anymore. I knew that I'd have my walk. No choice. Even if I didn't want to, I would still go outside and wander aimlessly.
Such a relaxing idea! I turned walking from a treat into an obligation, but I am enjoying it more than ever. :)

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